Wednesday, 6 January 2016

[ANIME REVIEW] - Prince of Stride: Ep. 1 On Your Mark

First, I wanna say that I am never interested in this anime before, but my life's motto is that "you have to know what you dislike so I know what I dislike and can give argument to people why I dislike it, or I can have another look at it, probably I will like it" so I watch every anime I could, before you complain "why you dislike it but you watch it?"

I cried, really.
Prince of Stride or PuriSuto is an anime about a form of Parkour that's Free Running. I don't have much knowledge about Parkour and Free Running but since there is "Parkour and Free Running Association" I assume that Free Running is a more exclusive form than Parkour that's so well known so that it have its own path. More exclusively, this anime is telling us about STRIDE. Yes, stride it self is a technique to give our body a faster running speed significantly, also Stride it self is also a form of relay run that involves really fast running here and there and jumping over obstacle. That's from what I know when I read my father's book.
Anyway, when I watch the first one minute of the anime, I feel so... "hah, as I thought". Rather than running, this anime's animation focused more on HAAAAAAAAAAAAIR. Hair. Yes, hair. Like, it animated the hair much better than the running.

Flowing hair here and there, can you even run with that kind of bangs, sirs?
The opening song is quiet standard sport anime for girls, but it introduces us so many character in one go. It's good though. Also, if you ever played IDOLiSH7 (AiNana) you will fell that this anime has the same vibe. Although in someway the opening is weird, it looks so Murrica. lmao.

Typical opening for an anime, isn't it?
This anime told us about Nana, a girl who's going to Hounan Academy just to enter the STRIDE club. Nana, I really hope she's more than a "usual twintail girl", but sadly she is. Nana is voiced by HanaKana though so I don't mind......well I DO MIND. But, no, I'm fine. In some way I feel that she is not Nana, she is HanaKana. You know when you feel more of the seiyuu than the character it self? It's like Nana's personality is overwhelmed by HanaKana's voice.
Also, this anime have quiet a kira kira effect. Eveywhere is sparkling. Sparkling here and there my eyes hurts. Madhouse's animation is really M A D.
Riku Yagami is a first year at Hounan and he fall in love at the first sight to Nana, who's a stride freak. Riku Yagami is someho a prodigy in Stride but he somehow try to hide it by trying many clubs in one go. He wishes to help any sport club because he wants to try many form of sports.
But unfortunately, Takeru Fujiwara holds him and drag him to Stride club.

Yes, that man on the middle is Takeru
To convince Riku for joining the Stride club, the regulars senpai made a relay race at school. It was a huge race and somehow everyone is loving it and helping the desperate (Yes, Stride club somehow lose its two prodigy members and almost disbanded, so typical) Stride club. If you ever read or watch Eyeshield21, you will feel the resemblance.

The senpais are playing shogi instead of training. Senpai's cleavage though.
Well, will Riku interested to join the Stride club or not? Watch on the first episode of stride. I watched it raw though, I don't know when the subs will out but if you're a fuoshi or reverse harem loving girl, or just a man who wanna watch a cool (not cool for me) sport anime, you may want to watch PuriSuto.

On additional note, Shimono Hiro acting as green haired senpai is really good. Like, SOOOOOOOO GOOD.
Will I continue watching this? Mhm, well, yes. 
What for?

Yes, I must admit that this senpai (and HanaKana) gave me a reason to stay in this anime. I can't with this type. His chest is so manly it's jumping here and there, oh I can see I will draw him everyday from now on.
Bonus for you guys for reading my review, thank you so much.

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